Dealing with an infertility diagnosis is stressful on its own, but throw the holidays on top of that and you may be dreading this season. Family tensions, awkward questions and travel may have you considering staying home this year - and that’s totally fine too! But, if you want to be part of the gathering, here are some tips for handling stressful situations.
- Don’t let yourself get burnt out. Buying gifts, prepping a meal and dealing with all the hustle and bustle of busier than usual streets and stores are all more than enough for even the most zen of people. Keep it simple this year! Pick what feels manageable to you and stick to it. Don’t overdo it.
- Take breaks. Holiday gatherings can be overwhelming with the number of guests and those extra nosy questions. Feel free to step away! If you are visiting parents or in-laws, consider getting a hotel room or airbnb instead of staying with them so you can have the space to get away and decompress.
- Communicate. Communication goes a long way! Communicate your needs and worries with your partner so you are both on the same page. Your partner can step in if someone is getting a little too nosy or asking questions that may make you uncomfortable.
- Have a plan. Whether you are staying at your destination or not, plan for how to handle certain situations and exit strategies. Decide what you are and are not comfortable with and be ready with a response or easy exit if it’s all too much.
Remember, it’s your holiday season and you deserve to enjoy it. Stay home, go out - but don’t put yourself into an uncomfortable situation if you don’t want to! If you are looking to meet with a fertility specialist, contact Reach Fertility to schedule a consultation today!