Roughly 30% or more of infertility in couples is due to the male partner but many tend to attribute all infertility diagnoses to the female. Because of this, male infertility and the mental and emotional toll it takes, is rarely discussed.
Infertility for anyone is hard to deal with but for men, it can feel even more isolating because it is viewed as such a taboo topic. Father’s Day can be especially painful and lonely when you feel like you may be the only person who is trying to start a family without success.
We encourage men struggling with infertility to seek support - either from a counselor, by joining a group of men going through similar circumstances or talking to their partner. Open communication is key to getting through an infertility diagnosis and can help ease the pain of another Father’s Day without a child of your own.
Male infertility can be attributed to many causes. The most common being:
- Low sperm count
- Abnormally shaped sperm cells
- Sperm that are immobile or have impared movement or
- Impaired delivery of sperm
The good news - there are many treatments for male infertility! If you are suffering from male infertility and wish to seek treatment, REACH fertility center in Charlotte, NC can help. Schedule a consultation today!