If you are having trouble getting pregnant, you may have researched fertility treatment options and fertility doctors in your area. While it is important to select the right fertility clinic and provider, what many people do not know: it is often the team behind the scenes that makes the “magic happen.” These magic makers are known as embryologists.
Embryologists play a critical role in our IVF clinic- they are the scientific staff who help make babies happen, quite literally creating life in their hands. They are the ones who take care of a patient’s sperm, eggs or embryos in hopes to create a new life. Jennifer Patrick Ph.D., HCDL, one of the embryologists at REACH says, “my family is the most important thing to me and being a part of creating that for someone else is priceless!”
What does the embryologist do at an IVF clinic:
- Determine fertility in both male and female patients
- Insemination of the egg to create an embryo
- Check for fertilization
- Monitor embryo development
- Select embryos for transfer
- Genetic testing for chromosomal abnormalities
- Manage sperm, egg, and embryo banks
- Preservation of embryos, eggs, and sperm
- Maintain CAP-certified laboratory conditions
Fun Facts about the Embryology team at Reach:
- First to bring vitrification to the state of NC
- Tyl Taylor was part of the team responsible for the development of oocyte vitrification
- Tyl Taylor is responsible for the first live birth from an embryo screened with NGS (next generation sequencing)
- Jennifer Patrick is responsible for the first live birth from vitrification in the state of NC and SC
- Jennifer Patrick is responsible for the first live birth from a blastocyst biopsy in NC
- Jennifer Patrick serves on the advisory board for several PGT companies
- Combined 30+ years of experience
- Only clinic in NC that has 2 board certified embryologists on site.
REACH’s lab is led by Tyl Taylor, Ph.D., HCDL- lab director and Jennifer Patrick, Ph.D., HCDL. REACH is truly fortunate to be led by this team of scientists that not only possess the expertise responsible for superior success rates, but also a genuine love of fertility science. This drive and commitment to the field of fertility continues to keep REACH at the forefront of treatment options that give our patients the highest chance of success.
To learn more about the embryology team at Reach or to schedule an appointment please call 704-343-4444 or visit our website at www.northcarolinafertility.com.