Dr. Jennifer Patrick is originally from Miami, Florida but grew up in Japan and Germany since she was part of a military family. Dr. Patrick has lived in the Charlotte area since 2002 and holds a PhD from UNC Charlotte in Biopreservation. She is a HCLD (High-complexity Clinical Laboratory Director) board certified embryologist with more than 15 years’ experience.
Jennifer is married with three boys, a cat “Bianca” and a wide array of small reptiles. In her spare time, you can find her playing outside with her boys, in her garden, or when she has a moment of quiet time, reading. Like the rest of the world, she is ready for the pandemic to be over and the first place she will travel to is the beach!
Dr. Patrick is Director of our Lake Norman/LangTree office and manages the Anonymous Embryo Donation Program at REACH. She states, “It is a really wonderful program that has helped so many who may have exhausted all of their options for family building and a way for those that have been successful to give back without the need to dispose of their extra embryos. I hope to see more patients choose to donate their extra embryos, as we discuss and share the process about this fantastic program more often.” She believes the best part of being an embryologist is to help someone obtain the lifetime of joy a family brings, just as she feels she has been blessed by having her children.
Jennifer is responsible for the first live birth from vitrification (freezing) in North Carolina and South Carolina. She is also responsible for the first live birth from blastocyst biopsy in North Carolina. She has published multiple abstracts and papers on topics of mosaicism and embryo culture. She is also on the embryology advisory board for several PGT companies. If you have a question in regards to embryo donation at REACH, please feel free to email Dr. Jennifer Patrick at: Jennifer.Patrick@NorthCarolinaFertility.com.
Have you been trying to conceive without success? Contact us today at: 704-343-4444 to schedule a consultation with one of our Charlotte or Lake Norman area fertility specialists.